Greetings, fellow graduate students!  After having CAMWS in two fairly central (and therefore colder) cities, the 2006 meeting will be held in sunny Gainesville, Florida at the Holiday Inn West (7417 W. Newberry Road: 352-332-7500).  April is a wonderful time of year to be in Gainesville, with highs in the upper 70's to low 80's, and nighttime temperatures around 55-65.  Gainesville is the home of the University of Florida and its 46,000 students, and the size of the university and the success of its athletic teams gives Gainesville an exciting student culture.  You will find numerous bars, restaurants, and other fine social establishments, as well as museums, nature parks, and abundant outdoor activities.  We at the GSIC have provided for you here tips about dining and entertainment options near the meeting headquarters and throughout the city, since we have the inside scoop (i.e. one of us did grad work at UF).  Should you have questions or other tips, please contact any member of the GSIC; you can find our email addresses on the main GSIC page.

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