Program of the
at the invitation of the
in cooperation with
the Texas Classical Association
Marriott at the Capitol Hotel
Austin Texas, April 4-6, 2002

corrected as of 2/4/02

Wednesday April 3

5:00-8:00 p.m. Registration Capitol Ballroom D

6:00-10:00 p.m. Meeting of the Executive Committee Bonnell

8:00-10:00 p.m. Reception hosted by the Texas Classical Association Tannehill

BOOK DISPLAY: An exhibit of books and other instructional materials will be in the Capitol Ballroom D. It will be open on Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.; and Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Coffee will be available when open.

Local Committee:

Michael Gagarin, University of Texas
G. Karl Galinsky, University of Texas
Jo Green, University of Texas
Thomas Hubbard, University of Texas
Joe Jansen, University of Texas
Ginny Lindzey, Porter Middle School, Austin ISD
Tim Moore (co-chair), University of Texas
Paula Perry, University of Texas
Andrew M. Riggsby (CO-chair), University of Texas
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, University of Texas

Thursday April 4

8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration Capitol Ballroom D
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Book Display Coffee will be provided Capitol Ballroom D

8:00-10:30 a.m. Meeting of the Executive Committee Bonnell

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Apollonius of Rhodes
John Gruber-Miller (Cornell College), presiding

1. Nymphs and Landscape in the Argonautica of Apollonius. Elizabeth Richey (Indiana University)

2. Apollonius' Lyric Background - Beyond Amekania. Paul Ojennus (Purdue University)

3. The "Misfired" Epiphanies of Apollo in Apollonius' Argonautica. Mark A. Thorne (The University of Iowa)

4. Where the Wild Things Are: Mapping the World with Hybrid Creatures in Apollonius' Argonautica. Julie Nishimura-Jensen (Independent Scholar)

5. The Etesian winds (Arg. 2.498-530) and the Transformation of Homeric kleos. Michael H. Barnes (University of Missouri-Columbia)

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Susan D. Martin (University of Tennessee), presiding

1. Philosophical Politics on Trial: Cicero and Cato in the Pro Murena. Rex Stem (Louisiana State University)

2. Unbearding Morality in Cicero's Pro Caelio. David Christenson (University of Arizona)

3. Roman Cultural Identity in Cicero's Pro Archia. Vassiliki Panoussi (Williams College)

4. Cicero's Courtroom Strategy in Pro Archia. Robert W. Cape Jr. and Lindy K. Olsen (Austin College)
5. Propertius' pro Caelio: Oratory and Exemplarity in Prop. 4.11. Basil Dufallo (University of Michigan)

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Ovid I: Metamorphoses and Tristia
G. Karl Galinsky (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. Scires a Pallade doctam: Arachne and Ovid. Garrett A. Jacobsen (Denison University)

2. Envy and the Maiden: Minerva the Virago in Ovid, Metamorphoses 2.765 and 6.130. Jessamyn Lewis (Dartmouth College)

3. Throbbing Tongues and Tangled Texts: Weaving Word and Image in Ovid's Tale of Tereus, Procne, and Philomela. Margaret Toscano (University of Utah)

4. Tristia 4.2 and Spectacle of Barbarian Bodies. Teresa Ramsby (University of Massachusetts)

5. Furthest Voices: Ovid's Tristia and the Harvard School Aeneid. Julia T. Dyson (University of Texas at Arlington)

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Capitol Ballroom GH

Section D
Technology and Language Pedagogy
Cathy P. Daugherty (Hanover County (VA) Public Schools), presiding

1. Collaborative Student Web Projects for the Classicists. Barbette Stanley Spaeth (College of William and Mary)

2. XXXtreme Greek. Stewart Flory (Gustavus Adolphus College)

3. Classical Studies and the Internet Quo Vadunt?. John W. Thomas (Iowa State University)

4. Web Courses: Pedagogical Tool for Classics - Perks and Pitfalls. Dorothy Dvorsky-Rohner (University of North Carolina, Asheville)

5. Piscatorial Pedagogy: Gathering Small Liberal Arts Schools Electronically with the Net. Hal Haskell (Southwestern University) and Deena Berg (ACS/Southwestern University)

8:15-9:45 a.m. First Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Greek Poetry
Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. Archilochus Banished? David A. Webb (University of Missouri-Columbia)

2. Ambiguity in Pindar Olympian 6.57-58. Christina Clark (Creighton University)

3. Pindar Here and Now: Deixis, Reference, and Interpretive Community in the Odes. Jeffrey S. Carnes (Syracuse University)

4. Pindaric Poetics and the Traditions of Private Lyric. Ippokratis Kantzios (University of South Florida)

5. Medical Art in Pindar's Poetry. Mark Warren (University of Texas at Austin)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Capitol Terrace N

Section A, Horace
George R. Rochefort (College of St. Catherine), presiding

1. Purple and Stars: Life and Literature in Horace Odes 3.1. Francis Cairns (Florida State University)

2. Utilis Urbi: Amphion in Horace's Odes and Epistles. Hunter H. Gardner (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

3. Carmen ... Vatis Horati: Horatius Loxias. Sophie Mills (Univ. of North Carolina, Asheville)

4. Horace, C. II.4: 'Xanthias, Go Ahead and Grab Her!' Timothy Johnson (University of Florida )

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B, Homer
Susan Shelmerdine (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), presiding

1. A Critique of the Traditional Interpretation of the Heroic Code in the Iliad. Leon Golden (Florida State University)

2. The Evolution of Dialogic Contexts through Verbatim Quotation in Iliad 2.8-75. Richard L. S. Evans (St Thomas' Episcopal)

3. Menelaos on Trojan Insatiability: A Characteristic Speech (Il. 13 620-39). Anna R. Stelow (University of Minnesota)

4. The Princess Bride: Intertext in the Figures of Nausikaa and Penelope in the Odyssey. Lori Czosnyka (University of New Mexico)

5. The Testing of Theoklymenos in Odyssey 15. William H. Race (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

6. Half-Truths White as Asphodel: Odysseus, Achilles, and Neoptolemus in Odyssey Book II. Victor Castellani (University of Denver)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Roman Archaeology I
Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University), presiding

1. Augustus' Aristippan Architect, or Pleasure and the Client. Mark Masterson (University of Chicago)

2. Triumphal Architecture in the Roman Forum: The Arches of Augustus Caesar. Jason Jones (McCallie School)

3. The Egyptian Theme in Roman Imperial Villas. Jeffrey H. Shanks (Florida State University)

4. Julio-Claudians or Livio-Claudians? Dynastic Realities Behind the Domus Augusta. Eric D. Huntsman (Brigham Young University)

5. Flanking the Forum: The Quadriporticus in Roman Architecture. Jeffrey A. Becker (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

6. The Imagery of War and the Severan Public Monuments. Susann S. Lusnia (Tulane University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Ancient Philosophy I
Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. Xenophanes' Contribution to the Explanation of the Moon's Light. Alexander P. D. Mourelatos (University of Texas at Austin)

2. Heracliteanism contra Heraclitus. Matthew A. Colvin (Cornell University)

3. Empedocles' Tragic Bearing. John S. Rundin (University of Texas at San Antonio)

4. The Apology's Negative Dialectic: Socrates Razed/Raised. Aryn M. Seiler (University of Mexico)

5. The Laws of Athens, or the Epodoi of Plato's Crito. Andrew Reece (Earlham College)

6. "Feast of Discourse" in Plato's Timaeus: From the Myth of Atlantis to the Myth of the Demiurge. Svetla Slaveva-Griffin (Florida State University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Second Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Greek History and Historiography
Michael D. Dixon (University of Southern Indiana), presiding

1. Public and Private: Alcibiades' Paradox. Gregory W. Q. Hodges (Ohio State University)

2. Thucydides, International Law, and Playing Games. George A. Sheets (University of Minnesota)

3. The Smell of Defeat: The Role of Odor in Thucydides. Joseph Jansen (University of Texas - Austin)

4. Pylos: Meaningful Gesture. Michael Shaw (University of Kansas)

5. Herodotus, Solon, and Histories 1.34.1. Charles Chiasson (University of Texas at Arlington)

6. Gyges, or the Adulterer Malgré Lui. John R. Porter (University of Saskatchewan)

12:00-1:00 p.m. Luncheon Meeting of the Regional Vice-Presidents Bonnell

1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Panel: Recognition, Subjectivity and Gender in Roman Poetry
Paul Allen Miller (University of South Carolina), organizer

1. Propertius, Gallus, Cynthia: The Struggle for Subjectivity. Christel J. Brown (University of South Carolina)

2. Propertius 2.7 and Augustan Ideology. Ellen Greene (University of Oklahoma)

3. A Snake in the Glass: Pentheus Fashions Thebes (Met. 3.531-63). Micaela Janan (Duke University)

4. The Subjections of Empire. Paul Allen Miller (University of South Carolina)

5. Semper ego auditor sum? Juvenal and the Arena of Shouting Subjects. David H. J. Larmour (Texas Tech University)

6. Respondent. Barbara K. Gold (Hamilton College)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Roman Drama
Timothy Moore (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. What Women Want: Noted Plautine Courtesans Tell All. Amanda Krauss (University of Texas at Austin)

2. Plauti per Vestigia II: The Contaminatio of the Querolus. Wilfred Major (Loyola University New Orleans)

3. Slavery, Authority, and Loyalty: The Case of Syncerastus (Plautus, Poenulus IV.2). Niall W. Slater (Emory University)

4. The Influence of Aristophanes' Women's Plays on Plautus' Casina. Jessica Miner (University of Texas Austin)

5. The Use of Four Speaking Actors in Seneca's Oedipus. Thomas D. Kohn (Millsaps College)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C, Language Pedagogy
John W. Thomas (Iowa State University), presiding

1. Methods of Teaching Latin. Victoria E. Pagán (University of Wisconsin)

2. Elementary Latin in the Virtual University Curriculum. Carl A. Anderson (Michigan State University)

3. Scanning Aloud: The Ancient Schoolroom and the Teaching of Latin Meter. Andrew S. Becker (Virginia Tech)

4. A New Approach to Intensive Latin. Gina Soter (The University of Michigan)

5. Spanish in the Latin Class: Simple Beginnings. Ginny Lindzey (Porter Middle School)

6. Sampling the Feast: Some Thoughts on Teaching Third Semester Greek. Timothy F. Winters (Austin Peay State University)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D, Aeschylus
Anne H. Groton (St Olaf College), presiding

1. "I am Loath to Enchain Kin": (Re)historicizing the Prometheus Bound. Chad Turner (Vanderbilt University)

2. The Negotiation of Identity in Aeschylus' Suppliants. Bridget Thomas (Truman State University)

3. Ugly, Bestial Noises: The Diction of the Erinyes in the Eumenides. Christopher G. Cudabac (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

4. Aeschylean Stylistics: Postponed Prepositions in the Persians. Timothy B. Allison (University of Michigan)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Third Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E, Greek History I
David W. Tandy (University of Tennessee), presiding

1. Theban Concealment, Spartan Emergence at Xenophon Hell. 5.4.1-9. Stephen Pigman (University of California at Los Angeles)

2. Xenophon's Bad Trip: Dream and Paradigm in the Anabasis. Sean Easton (University of California at Los Angeles)

3. Boasting in Xenophon. Bruce LaForse (Wright State University)

4. Amyntas Antiochou and the Fortune of Alexander. Christopher W. Blackwell (Furman University)

5. Pausanias, Local Myth, and Kinship Diplomacy. Lee E. Patterson (Univ. of Mississippi)

6. How to Survive a Secret Letter: Aeneas Tacticus on Writing and Interpretation. Thomas E. Jenkins (Trinity University)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Panel: The Animal Life of the Greek Polis
Kenneth F. Kitchell (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), organizer

1. The Animals are Us: Animal Names as Human Names. Robert D. Cromey (Virginia Commonwealth University)

2. Animal-Human Hybrids and the Case of the Bull-Headed Dancers. Kenneth S. Rothwell Jr. (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

3. Man into Beast: Shape Shifting Shamanism and Magic Spells in Greek Folk-Lore. Debbie Felton (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

4. Animals Within the Walls - Enemies, Pets and Love Gifts. Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Ovid II: Heroides and Amores
Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia), presiding

1. Sine Viribus Uxor: Chastity and Desire in Heroides 1. Jill Connelly (Texas Tech University)

2. Penelope, From Epic to Elegy: Ovid Heroides 1. Megan Drinkwater Ottone (Duke University)

3. Femininity and/as Spatial Dislocation: Ovid's Heroides and Augustan Geography. Denise Eileen McCoskey (Miami University)

3. Beyond a Veil of Tears: Ovid's Penelope in Heroides I. Alena Allen (University of New Mexico)

5. Myth and Transformation in Ovid, Amores 2.17. Caroline A. Perkins (Marshall University)

6. Amores 2.9 and 3.11 and the Issue of Unity. Helena Dettmer (University of Iowa)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Ancient Religion
Mark W. Morford (University of Virginia), presiding

1. The Minoan Goddess(es): Textual Evidence for Minoan Religion. Joann Gulizio and Dimitri Nakassis (University of Texas at Austin)

2. The Delphic Oracle, Toxic Honey and Mount Parnassos. Ann-Marie Knoblauch (Virginia Tech)

3. Aspects of Aphrodite in Ancient Corinth. Lisa R. Brody (Portland State University)

4. Hadrian and the Cumaean Sibyl. J. Rufus Fears (University of Oklahoma)

5. hen to pan kai di'autou to pan: Alchemy and the Cult of Mithras. Georgia Irby-Massie (Louisiana State University)

6. Agamemnon, Ahab, and Saul: The Iliad and the Old Testament. Bruce Louden (University of Texas at El Paso)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Roman History
Shannon N. Byrne (Xavier University), presiding

1. Prostitution and the Founding of Rome: The Case of Acca Larentia. Kirk M. Summers (University of Alabama)

2. The Myth of Tarpeia and Roman Identity. Tara S. Welch (University of Kansas)

3. Eponymy, Etymology, and the Image of Pre-history: The Strange Case of King Italos. Benjamin Stevens (University of Chicago)

4. The Nature of Punic-Etruscan Relations. Joel S. Ward (Tulane University)

5. Socii fideles? Italian Loyalty and the Failure of the Hannibalic Strategy. Michael P. Fronda (Denison University)

6. Don't Lose Your Head: The Consul C. Claudius' Usage of Celtic Customs as Psychological Warfare Concerning the Death of Hasdrubal Barca in Livy. Guy P. Earle (University of Florida)

7. Building the Roman Navy. Nicolle Hirschfeld (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Fourth Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Greek Tragedy
John T. Kirby (Purdue University), presiding

1. Ajax, Hippolytus and the Meaning of Pity. Douglas C. Clapp (Samford University)

2. Euripides' Alcestis-Veiled? Hanna Roisman (Colby College)

3. The Changing Face of Helen: The Intertextuality of Ritual and Mythology in Euripides' Helen. Bella Vivante (University of Arizona)

4. Tragically Incompetent Councils. Fred Naiden (Tulane University)

5. The Captive Woman's Lament. Casey Dué (University of Houston)

6. Thessaly and its Plays . John E. Thorburn (Baylor University )

5:15-5:30 p.m. Meeting of CAMWS Southern Section Capitol Terrace S

5:30-6:30 p.m. Consulares' Reception for New CAMWS Members Tannehill

6:00-8:00 p.m. Dinner meeting of the Vice-Presidents, Capitol Ballroom ECommittees for the Promotion of Latin and Membership

8:00- 10:00 p.m. Fifth Session Capitol Ballroom C

Open Forum: A Companion to Ancient Epic.
John Miles Foley (University of Missouri, Columbia)

This informal discussion session seeks colleagues' wisdom on the compilation of A Companion to Ancient Epic, a broadly based resource of approximately 40 essays on Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern epic presently under contract with Blackwell. The editor will share copies of the recently approved prospectus and initial chapter-list in the spirit of enlisting both advice and possible authorship from the CAMWS community.

Graduate Student Forum: How to Succeed in Classics... Capitol Ballroom A
Peter Knox (University of Colorado)

An informal discussion of publishing, teaching, service and other professional expectations you will face.

Friday April 5

8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Capitol Ballroom D
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Book Display Coffee will be provided Capitol Ballroom D

8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Panel: Helping Marcus Read: Some Approaches Toward Bridging the Transition from Elementary Latin to Reading Roman Authors
Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College), organizer

1. The LEGAMUS Easy Reader Committee. Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College)

2. Making Vergil Readable. Marie Bolchazy (Bolchazy Carducci Publishers)

3. The Case of the Exploding Latin Student - Moving From Latin II to Reading 'Real' Latin. Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

4. You Have to Teach the Footnotes. Lea Ann Osburn (Barrington HS)

8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Ovid III
Peter Knox (University of Colorado), presiding

1. The Poet Figure and the Myth of Ages in Hesiod and Ovid. Catherine Keane (Washington University in St. Louis )

2. Ovid on the Cutting Edge of Roman Poetics. Carole Newlands (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

3. Beating Horace at his Own Game: Ovid's Metamorphoses as Counterpoint to Ars Poetica. Janice Siegel (Illinois State University)

4. Achaemenides' Literary Existence: A Case of Augustan Hypertextuality. Sophia Papaioannou (University of Akron)

5. Omnia vincit amor: Why the Remedia Aren't. Laurel Fulkerson (Florida State University)

8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Classical Heritage I
Andrew M. Riggsby (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. A Collection of Latin Inscriptions in the Speed Art Museum in Louisville. George W. Houston (University of North Carolina)

2. When Virgil Met Vergil At Harvard: A Musical Setting from Eclogue IX. Philip Barnes (John Burroughs School)

3. The Nymphs and Rusalka: Dvorak's Rusalka in the Light of Classical Mythology. Albert T. Watanabe (Louisiana State University)

4. Humanitas, Crete in WWII and Horace. Janice M. Benario (Georgia State University Emerita)

5. Sallust, Shaka Zulu and Eurocentric History. Joseph Lemak (State University of New York at Buffalo)

6. Classical Education in Nineteenth Century Land-Grant Universities. Trudy Harrington Becker (Virginia Tech)

8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Greek History II
Timothy F. Winters (Austin Peay State University), presiding

1. The Sources of the Laws. Eleni Volonaki (University of London)

2. The Rhetoric of Conflict between Oikos and Polis in Athenian Courts. Joseph Roisman (Colby College)

3. Good Will for the City: Development of a Formula in Inscriptions and Literature. William C. West (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

4. The Restless Living: Anxiety and Appeasement in Greek Sepulchral Inscriptions. Eric Casey (Sweet Briar College)

5. Rowers in the Fleet (IG 1 1032) and the Meaning of Terms Metic and Metoikion in Classical Athens. Ariel Loftus (Wichita State University)

6. Xenophon's Socrates on Justice and the Law. David M. Johnson (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale )

8:15-9:45 a.m. Sixth Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico), presiding

1. The Court Poet in the Country: A New Look at Theocritus' Idyll 7. Lara K. Aho (University of Iowa)

2. Inclusa Amatrix: Theocritean Variations on the Komos and Paraclausithyron Motifs in
Idyll 2. John P. Harris (Texas Tech University)

3. Theocritus 6: Polyphemus as Pharmakon. David Kutzko (Western Michigan University)

4. Helen and Arsinoe, Menelaus and Ptolemy II in Theocritus' Idyll 18. Keely K. Lake (Gettysburg College)

5. Theocritus' Thistledown: Eros and Botany in Idyll 6.15-19. Ian R. McDonald (University of Toronto at Scarborough )

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Capitol Terrace N

Section A
For Clarence Forbes (1901-2001) in Memoriam.
Panel: Neoi: The Education of Youth in Antiquity
Charles Babcock (Ohio State University), presiding

1. Homer and the Olympics. Thomas F. Scanlon (University of California Riverside)

2. Gorgon's Blood: Euripides' Ion as a Foil of the Hippolytus. E. N. Genovese (San Diego State University)

3. From Phorbas to Euphorbus and Beyond: A Trace of Pedagogical Exemplarity. Thomas E. Rinkevich (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)

4. Cato, Scipio Aemilianus and the Greek Embassy of 155 BCE. Mark Morford (University of Virginia and Smith College)

5. Xenphon and the Politics of Education. Joseph F. O'Connor (Georgetown University)

6. Becoming as Children: Paideia in the New Testament. Brent Froberg (Baylor University)

7. Concluding Remarks de vita Clarenti. Charles L. Babcock (Ohio State University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Christopher Nappa (University of Minnesota), presiding

1. No Reward So Sweet: Catullus's Unguentum in c.13. Elizabeth Manwell (Kalamazoo College)

2. Varus Stands By: Silence and Complicity in Catullus 10 and 22. Randall L. B. McNeill (Lawrence University)

3. Catull auf Naxos: Ariadne and the Creation of the Lyric Poet in Catullus 64. Jason Banta (State University of New York at Buffalo)

4. What It Felt Like for a Girl: A Re-examination of Catullus 61. Lauren Caldwell (University of Michigan)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Greek Archaeology I
Cynthia Shelmerdine (University of Texas, Austin), presiding

1. The Relationship between Astronomy and Architecture in Ancient Greece. Erin Nell (University of Arizona)

2. The Dioscuri and Inland Navigation. Harry R. Neilson III (Florida State University)

3. Roman Statue Bases at Ancient Corinth. Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi)

4. Transport or Defence: The Isthmian Wall. Anton G. Jansen (Brock University)

5. The Architecture of Initiation: Ritual Orientation in the Procession into the Hellenistic Sanctuary at Samothrace. Jude Morris (University of Colorado at Boulder)

6. The Classical Greek Shipwreck at Tektas Burnu, Turkey. Deborah Carlson (University of Texas at Austin)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Classical Media
Sue Ann Moore (Columbia (MO) Independent School District), presiding

1. The Oracle in The Matrix: Faithful to the Delphic Model? Art L. Spisak (Southwest Missouri State University)

2. Nerone (1909) and a Nero nero, bianco e muto. John T. Quinn (Hope College)

3. The Riddle of Fate: Sophocles and Pasolini on Oedipus. John T. Kirby (Purdue University)

4. The Depiction of Epic Warfare in Homer's Iliad and Masaki Kobayashi's "Hoichi, the Earless." Constantine Hadavas (Beloit College)

5. The Darker Side: The Use of Classical Mythology in Rock Music of the Late Twentieth Century. Marty Pickens and Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College)

6. Plato's Symposium Meets Rock 'n Roll: "Hedwig and the Angry Inch." Michele Valerie Ronnick (Wayne State University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Seventh Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Roman Historiography
James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School), organizer

1. Ripe for Conquest: Knowledge and Power in Caesar's Bellum Gallicum. Rebecca Futo (Ohio State University)

2. Caesar's Quarrelling Centurions (BG 5.44): A Fight Scene for All Romans. John Nordling (Baylor University)

3. The Dangers of Division: A Political Reading of Caesar's Bellum Gallicum. Bradley Potter (The Ohio State University)

4. Livy and Religion in the First Pentad of the Ab Urbe Condita. Edmund P. Cueva (Xavier University)

5. Patria Alter Militaris: The Poetics of Castra in Livy. Miriam R. Pelikan Pittenger (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

6. Livy's Portrayal of the mulier potens: The Case of Tanaquil. Paloma Rodriguez-Monreal (University of Florida)

7. Resetting the Cycle of Roman History: Romulus and Brutus in AUC 1-2. Stephen C. Smith (University of Minnesota)

12:00-1:00 p.m. ACM/ACS/GLCA Classicists Luncheon Capitol Ballroom E
Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College), presiding

All Friday Afternoon Sessions Will Take Place at theUniversity of Texas School of Law in Townes Hall. The busses will drop off next door at the Texas Memorial Museum.
Buses will leave between 11:30 and 1:30

1:15-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session 2.139
Section A
Presidential Panel: Mystery and History.
Christine Shea (Ball State University), organizer

1. Introduction. James S. Ruebel (Ball State University)

2. Murder Teaches a Lesson. Christine Shea (Ball State University)

3. Historical Fiction and the Classics. Art L. Spisak (Southwest Missouri State University)

4. Mystery and Romance: Keeping It Alive. Stephen A. Nimis (Miami University)

5. All Roads Lead to Murder: Using Historical Characters in Historical Fiction. Albert Bell (Hope College)

1:15-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session 2.124
Section B
Greek Comedy
Ian C. Storey (Trent University), presiding

1. The Black Hunter in Aristophanes' Knights. Greta Ham (Bucknell University)

2. Madness in the Comedies of Aristophanes. Monica Florence (University of Rochester)

3. Coincidence of Time and Place in Menander's Dyskolos. Eric K. Dugdale (Gustavus Adolphus College)

4. The Social Networking of Women in Menander. Cheryl Anne Cox (University of Memphis)

5. Lucian's Pregnant Moonmen, or the Travails of a Fractured Body. David D. Leitao (San Francisco State University)

1:15-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session Francis Auditorium (2.114)
Section C
Panel: Greek and Latin Alive! A Tribute to Gareth Morgan
Pauline Nugent (Southwest Missouri State University)
and Susan Shapiro (Utah State University), organizers

1. If You Teach Them to Fish ....Linguistics and Pedagogy in Gareth Morgan's Lexis. John F. García (University of Iowa)

2. Aestiva Romae Latina. Pauline Nugent (Southwest Missouri State University)

3. Mors Catilinae: The Movie. Susan O. Shapiro (Utah State University)

4. On Reading Homer Aloud. Beverly Bardsley (Independent Scholar)

1:15-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session Sheffeild Room
Section D
Propertius and Tibullus
Ellen Greene (University of Oklahoma), presiding

1. Stop Your Staring: The Destructive Gaze in Propertius 1.3 and 4.4. James A. Gioia (University of Kansas)

2. The Body of the puer as a Poetic Metaphor in Propertius 1.20. Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (University of Kansas)

3. Real Ghost or Fake Girl: Cynthia in Propertius 4.7. Rebecca Frost Davis (University of the South)

4. Love, War, and Periodic Structure: Propertius 1.21-22. Brian Walters (University of Kansas)

5. Portrait of a Lady: Propertius 1.3 and Ecphrasis. Brian W. Breed (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

6. Womb Envy: Old Women and the Poet in Tibullus Book One. Paul D. Streufert (University of Texas at Tyler)

1:15-3:00 p.m. Eighth Session Jury Room
Section E
Language and Meter
George Sheets (University of Minnesota), presiding

1. What Metaphor was Before the Greeks Thought about it. Tom McCall (University of Houston, Clear Lake)

2. lympha. Peter King (Temple University)

3. Proposed Colometry of Ibycus 286 PMG. William Tortorelli (Brown University)

4. Classical and Late Classical Antecedents of Medieval Ritmus. Wakefield Foster (University of Missouri, Columbia)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Ninth Session 2.139
Section A
Roman Legalities
Christopher P. Craig (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), presiding

1. Electoral Losers and Roman "Democracy." Darryl A. Phillips (College of Charleston)

2. Evocatio: A Manifestation of the Foreign Policy in the Roman Republic. Amanda Coles (University of Colorado, Boulder)

3. The Carbonian Edict and the Status of Children in Roman Law. Susan D. Martin (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

4. On the Non-Contract of Barter. Andrew M. Riggsby (University of Texas at Austin)

5. Nocturnal Regulation in Ancient Rome. Hans-Friedrich Mueller (University of Florida)

6. Philo the Dramaturge: Legatio ad Gaium and in Flaccum. George W. M. Harrison (Xavier University)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Ninth Session Francis Auditorium (2.114)
Section C
Panel: Classical Film Philology: Gladiator as Visual Text and Intertext.
Martin Winkler (George Mason University), presiding

1. The Development of Gladiator. Jon Solomon (University of Arizona)

2. Gladiator and The Fall of the Roman Empire. Martin Winkler (George Mason University)

3. Gladiator in the Classroom. Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico)

3:15-5:15 p.m. Ninth Session Sheffeild Room
Section E
Greek Oratory
Suzanne Bonefas (ACS/ Southwestern University), organizer

1. The Wicked Stepmother in Antiphon 1. Yurie Hong (University of Washington)

2. Pleonexia in Isocrates: Variability in the Vocabulary of Gain. Terry L. Papillon (Virginia Tech)

3. Demosthenes 22: Against Androtion; in Defense of Slander. Michael de Brauw (University of Texas at Austin)

4. What's in a Name? The End of Demosthenes 56 and the Dangers of Leaping to Conclusions. Ian Worthington (University of Missouri, Columbia )

5. Demosthenes and the Declaimers: An Orator's Adventures in Sophistopolis. Craig Gibson (University of Iowa)

6. Hypereides and the Hetairai. David D. Phillips (University of California at Los Angeles )

5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Reception Texas Memorial Museum
Sponsored by University of Texas at Austin

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Buses leave Texas Memorial Museum for the Hotel

7:00-7:30 p.m. Cash bar available Capitol Ballroom E

7:30-9:30 p.m. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BANQUET Capitol Ballroom E

Presiding: David F. Bright (Emory University)

Welcome: Larry D. Carver (Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts,
University of Texas at Austin)

Response: Jane E. Phillips (University of Kentucky)

Ovationes: James M. May (St. Olaf College)

Presidential Address:
Cursus Honorum

James S. Ruebel (Ball State University)

Spinach Salad with Bacon Dressing
Roasted Lamb Chops with Mint Demi Glace
Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables

(Vegetarian alternative available if requested in advance)

Wine and Cocktails will be available from a cash bar at 7p.m.

Saturday April 6

7:00-8:15 a.m Vergilian Society Breakfast Capitol Ballroom E
Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona), presiding

8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Registration and Book Display Capitol Ballroom D

8:15-9:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting of CAMWS Capitol Ballroom ABC
James S. Ruebel (Ball State University), presiding

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Classical Heritage II
Niall W. Slater (Emory University), presiding

1. Paws to Reflect: Ancients and Moderns on the Religious Sensibilities of Animals. Stephen T. Newmyer (Duquesne University )

2. Latinitas Popularis. Avery R. Springer (John Burroughs School)

3. General Sir John Hackett - A Modern Caesar. Herbert W. Benario (Emory University)

4. Back to its Roots: Neo-classical Architecture in Greece. Linda Collins Reilly (College of William and Mary )

5. Et in Arcadia Ego and the Triumph of Daphnis. Amy Vail (Baylor University)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
CPL Panel: Linking Latin in the Curriculum Beyond the Latin Classroom
Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Monmouth College), presiding

1. Magister pontifexque: How Latin Teachers Can Build Cross-Curricular Bridges in a Secondary Setting. James V. Lowe (John Burroughs School)

2. From Myth to Museum to Muse-Inspired. Sue Ann Moore (Columbia (MO) Independent School)

3. Time for an Opening from Latin to Spanish. Edward George (Texas Tech University)

4. Latin in the English, French and Biology Classroom. Sarah H. Wright (Northwest Guilford (NC) Senior HS)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Greek Archaeology II
James E. Betts (Monmouth College), presiding

1. The Origins of the Decorative Elements of West Slope Pottery. Karin Halvorsen (University of Arizona)

2. When Nothing Remains: The Phaleric Long Wall of Athens. David Conwell (Baylor School)

3. Images of Women Juggling on Greek Vases. Wendy E. Closterman (Bryn Athyn College)

4. The "Heroine" of Lefkandi. Constanze Witt (University of Texas at Austin)

5. Penteskoufia Plaques from Ancient Corinth Revisited: Votive and/or Workshop Deposit? Eleni Hasaki (University of Arizona)

6. Death and Marriage: The Iconography of the Derveni Krater. Gail Cecelia Polk (Athens Academy)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Roman Empire
Victoria E. Pagán (University of Wisconsin), presiding

1. The Poetics of Literary Appropriation and Exemplification: Pliny Epistles 4.2 and 7.9. Tim Stover (University of Texas at Austin)

2. A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Soldiers at Bedriacum (Tacitus, Histories 2.70). Eleni Manolaraki (Cornell University)

3. Tacitus, Sejanus, and Villainous Style. Benjamin Gracy (University of New Mexico)

4. The Tabula Siarensis and the Chronology of Tacitus, Annals, 3.1-3.6. Peter DeRousse (Loyola University, Chicago )

5. Poets, Parthians and Politicians. Carol U. Merriam (Brock University)

6. Visualizing the Present through the Past: Spolia in Rome. Brenda Longfellow (University of Michigan)

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Tenth Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Panel: On to 10,000: The Inexorable March of the Suda On Line
William E. Hutton (College of William and Mary)
and Elizabeth Vandiver (University of Maryland), organizers

1. Who Needs a Translation of the Suda? William E. Hutton (College of William and Mary)

2. Alexander of Aphrodisias in the Suda. Oliver Phillips (University of Kansas)

3. The Suda and Classical Greece. David Whitehead (Queen's University, Belfast)

4. From Codex to Encoded Text: The Suda On Line and the Tradition of the Suda. Jennifer L. Benedict (College of William and Mary)

5. Interoperability, Interconnection, and the Suda On Line. Anne Mahoney (Perseus Project, Tufts University)

6. Concluding Remarks. Elizabeth Vandiver (University of Maryland)

12:00-1:30 p.m. Consulares Luncheon Willow

Niall Slater (Emory University), presiding

Presidents: Roger Hornsby (Iowa), Arthur Stocker (Virginia), Herbert W. Benario (Emory), Alexander McKay (McMaster), Kenneth Reckford (Chapel Hill), Charles Babcock (Ohio State), Harry Rutledge (Tennessee), G. Karl Galinsky (Texas), Mark Morford (Virginia), Susan Wiltshire (Vanderbilt), Eleanor Huzar (Michigan State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Theodore Tarkow (Missouri), Ernst Fredericksmeyer (Colorado), Ward Briggs (South Carolina), David Bright (Iowa State), Michael Gagarin (Texas), Kenneth Kitchell (Louisiana State), Joy King (Colorado), Karelisa Hartigan (Florida), Kathryn Thomas (Creighton), William Race (North Carolina), Helena Dettmer (Iowa), John F. Hall (Brigham Young), James M. May (St. Olaf), John F. Miller (Virginia), Christopher P. Craig (Tennessee), James S. Ruebel (Ball State)

Secretary-Treasurers: W. W. de Grummond (Florida State), Gareth Schmeling (Florida), Roy Lindahl (Furman), John F. Hall (Brigham Young), Gregory N. Daugherty (Randolph-Macon).

12:00 - 1 p.m. Women's Classical Caucus Luncheon Capitol Ballroom E
Michele V. Ronnick (Wayne State University), presiding

1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Latin Poetry
Alice Sanford (Hume-Fogg Academic High School), presiding

1. Aeneas' Cenotaphic Epigram for Palinurus: Aeneid 5.870-71 and the Hellenistic Cenotaphic Epigram. Jon Steffen Bruss (Bethany Lutheran College)

2. Optimism and Pessimism in Eclogue 9: A Suggested Interpretation. Christine Perkell (Emory University)

3. Wild and Cultivated Nature in Georgics 1. Christopher Nappa (University of Minnessota)

4. Homeric Similes in Aeneid 10. Deborah Beck (Pennsylvania State University)

5. Looking for Augustan Apollo. John F. Miller (University of Virginia)

6. Italian Girls: Philodemus AP 5.132 and Ovid's Flora. Barbara Weiden Boyd (Bowdoin College)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
The Homeric Legacy
Kathryn Thomas (Creighton University), presiding

1. Echidna: A Study in Mythopoeia. Ralph E. Doty (University of Oklahoma)

2. Hesiod, Democracy, and the Control of Women. Shannon N. Byrne (Xavier University)

3. Hesiod's Prometheus in Early Greek Art. Deanna F. Mellican (Florida State University)

4. The Philologist and the Poet: Pleasures and Methods in Collaborative Translation - Hesiod. Catherine M. Schlegel (University of Notre Dame)

5. Sizing up Troy's Horse: Matters of Capacity. Julian Ward Jones Jr. (College of William and Mary)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Panel: Aegyptus Capta: Taking Greco-Roman Egypt into the Classics Classroom
Anne E. Haeckl and Stephanie J. Winder (Kalamazoo College), organizers

1. Teaching Multiculturalism through Greco-Roman Egypt. Anne E. Haeckl (Kalamazoo College)

2. Egypt after the Pharaohs: Private and Public Life in a Multicultural Society. Traianos Gagos (University of Michigan)

3. Making Women Visible: The Use of Primary Source Material from Greco-Roman Egypt in the Classics Classroom. Christina A. Salowey (Hollins University)

4. From Alexander to Cleopatra: Alexandria and the Teaching of Hellenistic Thought and Culture. Stephanie J. Winder (Kalamazoo College)

5. Ptolemaic Egypt in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds. Michael D. Dixon (University of Southern Indiana)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Ancient Novel
Edmund P. Cueva (Xavier University), presiding

1. Abduction and Elopement in the Greek Novel. Joan Burton (Trinity University)

2. CIL VI.3719 and The Satyrica: Has Eumolpus Been Found? D. Scott Van Horn (Loyola University Chicago)

3. The Spectacle of Genre in Petronius' Cena Trimalchionis. Zara M. Torlone (Miami University of Ohio)

4. Latrones in Apuleius' Metamorphoses Books 1-3. Katherine Panagakos (Ohio State University)

5. The Golden Ass: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Enlightenment. Michael A. McGinn (University of Georgia)

6. Lucius' Problematic Roman Career in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. Jean Alvares (Montclair State University)

1:00-3:00 p.m. Eleventh Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Classical Heritage and Popular Culture
Robert W. Cape (Austin College), presiding

1. Chang-Rae Lee's Korean-American Oedipus. William K. Freiert (Gustavus Adolphus College)

2. Classical Allusions in C. S. Lewis's Till We Have Faces. Ian C. Storey (Trent University)

3. Ulysses Americanus: Apollo 13 and the Odyssey. David F. Bright (Emory University )

4. Spectating the Damned: A Theme in Classical Literature and Bizarro. James H. Dee (University of Illinois at Chicago (Emeritus))

5. Gladiator vs. Fall of the Roman Empire: Second Thoughts. Peter W. Rose (Miami University of Ohio)

6. Ovid's Story of Rape and Revenge in Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale. Judith de Luce (Miami University)

1:30 p.m. Trip to San Antonio Museum of Art and Restaurant on River Walk.

3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Capitol Terrace N
Section A
Panel: The 2002 National Latin Exam and New Approaches for NLE's Forum Romanum
Jane Hall (National Latin Exam), organizer

1. The Preliminary Results of the 2002 National Latin Exam. Jane Hall (National Latin Exam)

2. The 2002 National Latin Exam: An Analysis of the Questions. Carter Drake (Rockbridge County (VA) HS)

3. The New Syllabus and the National Standards. Sally Davis (Arlington County (VA) Public Schools )

4. New Approaches to Using NLE's Forum Romanum Series in the Latin Classroom. Omnes with a live demonstration!

3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Capitol Terrace S
Section B
Silver Latin
David F. Bright (Emory University), presiding

1. Martial's Ideal Reader: Epigrammaton 1 pref. and Moral Men. Peter John Anderson (University of Cincinnati)

2. Persius' Third Satire and Neronian Pastoral. Peter Nani (Georgetown University)

3. Sex and the City: Gender and Sexuality in Seneca's Medea. Patrice Rankine (Purdue University)

4. Coniunx in limine primo: Reading Regulus' Marcia in Silius Italicus' Punica 6. Antonios Augoustakis (Baylor University)

5. Scipio and the Structure of the Punica. Raymond Marks (University of Missouri, Columbia)

6. The Ghost of Laius in Statius' Thebaid and the Revision of Ancestral Pietas in Roman Epic. Neil W. Bernstein (College of Wooster)

7. 'Tu peior, tu cede': Rewriting the Prophetic Past in Statius' Thebaid. Randall T. Ganiban (Middlebury College)

3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Capitol Ballroom ABC
Section C
Roman Archaeology
Aileen Ajootian (University of Mississippi), presiding

1. The Etruscan castellum: Fortified Settlements and Regional Autonomy in Etruria. Hilary Wills Smith (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

2. Ophidian Iconography in Etruscan Tomb. Kristen Lee Hostetler (Florida State University)

3. Situating the Satyricon. Paul Christesen (Dartmouth College)

4. Possessing Pompeii: riflessioni reali. Eleanor Winsor Leach (Indiana University)

5. The Baths of Trajan Decius - Or of Philip the Arab? James Terry (Stephens College)

6. Portrait of Regionalism: Crocodile Cult and the Sacred Landscape of the Fayyum. Drew Wilburn (University of Michigan)

3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Capitol Ballroom GH
Section D
Ancient Philosophy II
Hans-Friedrich Mueller (University of Florida), presiding

1. The Sacrilege of Socratic Ignorance after Elenchtic Failure. Kenneth Wiering (Loyola University, Chicago)

2. Socrates, Satyrs, and Plato's Symposium. Stephen Fineberg (Knox College)

3.Altruism and Egoism in Aristotle's Theory of Friendship. John P. Piazza (San Francisco State University)

4. Two Forms of Greek Compassion. James F. Johnson (Austin College)

5. The True Teacher Has No Disciple: Criticism of Homeric Physical Doctrine. Eric Kyllo (Baylor University)

6. The Lucretian Garden in the Christian Philosophy of St. Augustine. Kenneth M. J. Tuite (University of Texas at Austin)

3:00-5:00 p.m. Twelfth Session Capitol Ballroom F
Section E
Roger Macfarlane (Brigham Young University), presiding

1. Homer's Mother. Marilyn B. Skinner (University of Arizona)

2. Hyginus and Extant Euripides: The Foundations of Source Analysis. George Adam Kovacs (Memorial University of Newfoundland )

3. Were Athlete-Trainer Relationships Pederastic? Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas)

4. Juvenal's Satura-Panegyricus: Satire 8. Bob Holschuh Simmons (University of Iowa)

5. Fantastic Voyages: Saint Brendan the Medieval Argonaut on an Odyssey of Faith. Joseph Ryan O'Neill (University of Illinois at Chicago )

6. Who are We Having for Dinner? A Study of the Women of the Symposion. Kathleen Crotty (University of Washington)

5:00 p.m. Walking Tour of Texas State Capitol and Vicinity Led by Historical Walking Tours

8:00 p.m. Austin Symphony Concert featuring Midori


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